Friday, May 13, 2011

Cluster love

Grouping objects together of the same color provide an interesting visual vignette. Try this on a mantle, a shelf or in the center of your dining table.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Possible Project

Warning, I'm making this up as I go. If I do decide to go through with this project, I'll post my progress.

This could either be for a headboard or a wall that just needs some jazzing up.

From the looks of it you'll need the following materials:
fabric with an over-sized pattern
thin to medium batting
simple wood trim
a stapler
a hammer
iced tea infused vodka from Seagram and Newton's Natural Lemonade.

before and after

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Walking on walls

I've seen wood flooring on walls for a while but it wasn't until my buddy talked about his wall ideas that got my fire going.
inspiration in front on Sunset Blvd.
inspiration at IKEA

So one weekend I made the attempt.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seems a little fishy

Can't think of anything else to do with your walls? Here's some inspiration.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I don't know if this is the same across the country but here in Los Angeles, no one is allowed to take the shopping carts out of Ross. No matter how much you spend. BYOC: bring your own cart.

Wood you like a coffee table

I must give high marks to the overall design aesthetic of The Westin Monache Resort in Mammoth, CA. It was a playful mix of kitchy stand out pieces such as the wood stump cocktail tables with comfortable tailored furniture.

Simple flower arrangement in small glass vases.

The faux candles gave off a genuine glow.

Grass on the wall/ Double duty furniture

I love grasscloth wall paper! Oh and I also love double duty furniture. Notice the ottoman bench that doubles as a coffee table?

Off the rack

Who knew that rack shelving can look so good? Just add nice uniform baskets and containers.

Ideas bloom at Bloomingdales

During a recent trip to Bloomingdales, I snagged a picture of this great idea for a tablescape. Wooden board topped with three glass vases filled with sand and an ice plant (aizoaceae, carpobrotus edulis).